4 Keys To Luring Scrollers Into Your Content or Ad

4 Keys To Luring Scrollers Into Your Content or Ad

If you’re creating Golf instructional content, or selling lessons and programs through ads, you need to grab golfers attention, or they’ll scroll past. This post will give you 4 gems for stopping scrollers, to get their undivided attention. I’m talking writing eye popping headlines, which are:

  • The title of your videos on Youtube
  • The title of your blog posts or articles on your website
  • The subject lines on your emails
  • The text overlay on your videos or images

You’ve got literally a second or two to grab golfers attention with a killer headline. Here’s how to do it.

1. Gauge Prospect Awareness (5 Stages of Awareness)

Your headline should match where your reader is in the 5 stages of awareness. If your target is learning about their problem, focus on the problem. But if they already know about the problem, your headline focuses on the benefits of your solution. A full explanation of these stages can be found in my free Killer Headlines Shortcuts guide. Here’s it in a nutshell.

Your Golf prospects are at different stages of awareness when they see your videos, blogs, products or services. You need to speak to them where they’re at. Let’s use an example of a high handicap golfer who’s hitting a slice.

If he’s unaware (Stage 1) what a ‘slice’ is (even though he’ll know his shots curve off to the right), then if you’re talking about a ‘slice’ he’ll ignore you and scroll past. As he doesn’t think he needs to pay attention. Therefore, to grab his attention your headline needs to talk about his ball curving to the right to grab his attention. For example, ‘Is your Golf ball always curving to the right?’

Stage 2 is ‘problem aware’. Which means in this case, he knows he’s hitting a slice but doesn’t know what the solution is. So, in your headline, talk about the pain of hitting a ‘slice’. For example, ‘Sick of slicing? Here’s 3 secrets to banish it forever.’

Stage 3 is ‘solution aware’. Which means they know they have a problem, and to solve it they need golf coaching, in person or online. At this stage, do not write your headline about the ball curving to the right, or a slice. Write about what makes your solution unique, or your social proof. For example, ‘412 Golfers said Slice Fixer has cut at least 10 shots from their rounds after 4 weeks.’

Stage 4 is ‘Product aware’. At this stage, the prospect knows about your product and is considering it. Here, you write a headline to encourage them over the line. Use scarcity or urgency. For example, ‘Slice Fixer is half price for 24 hours only!’.

Stage 5 is ‘Most aware’. These are your current customers or people on your email list. They already know, like and trust you. So keep it direct. For example, ‘Slice Fixer 2.0 is here, click here to upgrade.’

By knowing which stage of awareness your golfer is at, you’ll deliver the right message, at the right time, to the right person, to move them along the buying journey to close the sale.

2. Connect with Problems or Desires

Your headline should speak directly to what your reader wants or needs. What is in it for them? If you don’t know what your customers fear or desire, you have no chance of creating headlines which resonate. But let’s say for example you know your prospects want increase distance off the tee. "Gain 40 yards in an afternoon!" would speak to their desires. This shows you know what they need and have a solution. It's like saying, "Hey, I know what you're going through, and I can help."

3. Highlight the Desired End Result

People buy things for a reason. They buy them for what those things do for them. Your headline should talk about what your reader gets, or how they will feel after using your product or service. Here are a few examples:

You’re not selling grass seed, you’re selling a healthy, thick, lush green lawn.

You’re not a £900 driver, you’re selling social status.

You’re not a golf glove, you’re selling fitting in with a golf group.

Pro Tip: Outline how big the results they’ll get are, e.g ‘Struggling to break 100? Here’s how to break 80 in 6 weeks.’ Or, highlight how fast they’ll get results. For example, ‘Boost driver distance by 50 yards in 2 weeks!’

4. Destroy Objections To Create Belief

Your prospects will resist buying due to three types of obstacles or challenges:

1. Old methods - if your prospect has tried a similar product before, and didn’t get results, they’ll be resistant to you. So you need to create belief your product delivers. For example, imagine you’re selling a distance increase program. Try: ‘How to gain 40 yards off the tee, even when you’ve done tonnes of squats and had a custom fitted driver.’

2. External beliefs - Your target customer believes external factors will stop your product getting results. For example, say you're selling a distance increase program to a golfer who plays links golf in Scotland. Your prospect will believe your product will fail. To squash the objection, say ‘How to gain 40 yards off the tee even when you play in howling cold, head on winds in Scotland.

3. Internal beliefs - These are your prospects' own perceived competence or limitations. For example, imagine you’re helping people drive the ball farther. Say ‘How to drive the ball 300 yards, even if you're over 70 years old and have crippling back problems!’

Take a moment to brainstorm your product and what ‘even if’ statements would apply. Injecting them into your headlines will create belief your product delivers.

Pro Tip: Your conversions will ignite when you convince your prospect anybody will get results with ease.


When writing any of these:

  • Title of your YouTube video
  • Subject line of your email
  • Text overlay on your video
  • Title of your article or blog post

You must meet all the four criteria mentioned above. You’ll grab the attention of the right people, stop their scroll and pull them into your content or ad. Note this quote from legendary Rolls Royce marketer David Ogilvy:

80% of people read the headline, but only 20% of people read the rest of the copy.

Given this, your most important job in marketing is writing a killer headline! On that note, you can grab my free comprehensive headline writing guide, Killer Headline Shortcuts. It gives you plug and play headline formulas I’ve put together from dissecting world class copywriters and marketers. And you can zoom through it in minutes. To grab it, CLICK HERE.