Boost Sales With 8 Secrets Unveiled From Marketing Royalty - Classic Ad ‘55 Year Old Golfer’ Breakdown

Boost Sales With 8 Secrets Unveiled From Marketing Royalty - Classic Ad ‘55 Year Old Golfer’ Breakdown

If you’re a PGA Pro selling coaching services, or marketing Golf products then listen up. I’m gonna unveil 8 copywriting secrets you're gonna use to kickstart profits and engagement. Here’s why.

I’m giving you the lowdown on a highly successful Golf ad written by John Carlton. The ad is at the bottom of this post. So who the hell is John Carlton?!?! I hear ya say.

Well, He’s kinda like Gary Player or a Tom Watson of the copywriting world. A great.

Rich Schefren (of Strategic Profits fame) personally bought his entire staff copies of John’s writing course.

Frank Kern (“Mass Control” wizard) freely admits that John’s direct advice saved a now-fabled product launch from stumbling… and using that advice, helped the project become the most lucrative one-day launch in the history of the Internet.

Not bad, huh?

Well in the next 17 mins you’ll know exactly how to cram clients into your calendar, or clear out your warehouse of stock. In a moment you’ll find out:

  • How you convince your prospects they’ll definitely get results with your product or service. They’ll know with rock solid confidence their game will improve regardless of how good they are.
  • The ONE tactic you can use to keep your target hooked, read every word you’ve written and then be desperate to buy whatever you’re offering.
  • 4 words which copywriting expert Kyle Milligan see’s in the most successful sales pages ever written. Once you know these you’ll want to apply them to your entire marketing campaign.

Without any further ado, let’s get stuck into secret #1, how to give golfers rock solid confidence they’ll swing better after using your product or service.

Secret # 1 - Destroy Internal Doubts

The golfers who see your product doubt themselves. Doubts about their own ability to get good results from your stuff. They’re thinking:

“This ain't gonna work for someone like me”

“I ain't good enough for this”

These are what we call limiting beliefs. And these beliefs will stop them getting their credit card out. So you need to overcome them with proof. In this classic ad, Carlton does it with the following lines:

If petite women and 12 year-old kids are using this secret to hit perfect drives over 250 yards…Imagine what it can do for you!’

You don’t need previous experience. (Beginners start hitting 250 just as quickly as guys who’ve played for years.’

‘An out-of-shape 55 year old Golfer, crippled by Arthritis & 71 lbs overweight’

If you have this kinda proof then your readers will think “jeez, guess maybe even I could do it”

Key Takeaway: Brainstorm why the golfers you’re selling to might think they won’t have the skill or resources to get results with your product. Then, for each doubt, use stories and examples to destroy those doubts. 

By the way, there's 3 types of doubts Golfers will have about your service or products. To find out what they are and how to destroy them in your video or article titles or email subject lines, grab my free Killer Headline Shortcuts guide by CLICKING HERE.

Secret #2 - Spark Curiosity

When selling, you must give your prospects a burning curiosity to want to find out more. You’re teasing, not explaining, to draw them in. It’s like watching an epic drama on the telly. You get subtle hints at what’s gonna happen later on. You can’t help but keep watching.

Legendary Copywriter Joe Sugarman pinpointed a principle called ‘Seeds of curiosity’ . The goal is to add burning curiosities into your copy to:

  1. Keep the prospect reading, so they read the whole ad.
  2. Fill them with such a burning curiosity, the only way to fulfil it is to buy your product.

John Carlton makes you curious and tempts you with the following ‘seeds of curiosity’ ...

In the main headline, ‘How Does’

In the opening paragraph in ‘The answer will shock and delight you! It’s an amazingly simple 2-Step Maximum distance revelation that ’.

Also - ‘most civilians don’t know about this underground professional golf tour. It’s the best kept secret among high-profile golfers whose reputations would be tarnished if the public found out.’

‘Golf is easy, once you know the REAL secrets.’

‘A simple 3-swing drill that will instantly add power to your swing…thus increasing the raw distance of every tee shot you hit from here on out.’

‘The correct way to use your legs as you swing..which instantly “nails down” your accuracy. No more slicing and hooking, ever! (Just think how much fun you’ll have hitting 18 out of 18 fairways in regulation!)’

‘The simple little tip that will automatically insure that your clubhead is ALWAYS in the perfect position upon impact with the ball. (Ernie Els has this down - it’s the reason he’s known as probably the most accurate golfer in the pro game.)

‘And…the amazing “follow-through” secret that is the foundation of making long, straight drives so easy you could cry with joy! This alone will change your game forever…LITERALLY OVERNIGHT!’

Finally, Carlton employs an even more intense form of curiosity by adding in a counter-intuitive bullet:

‘You don’t need to be athletic like Tiger Woods. In fact, the MORE out-of-shape you are, the more distance you will immediately add to your drives!’

Key Takeaway: You want to tease, not explain. Think about how you can add ‘seeds of curiosity’ in your videos, articles, ads, sales pages and emails, to keep your golfers hooked.

Secret #3 - NESB (New, Easy, Safe & Big)

The next step to boosting sales is having a good look at all your marketing with regards to New, Easy, Safe and Big. This idea comes from a smart copywriter called Kyle Milligan. He figured it out after reading tonnes of the best selling sales letters written at Agora Financial. To be clear, that’s the place the best copywriters go to. It’s kinda like being a greenkeeper and getting a gig at Augusta. Pretty epic right? Anyway, back to the 4 magic ingredients, let’s break them down:


First up, is your golf tip or gadget something fresh? People have tried stuff before and got let down. They’re looking for something they haven’t seen. Now, it doesn’t necessarily have to be completely new, it just needs to be positioned in a new way. Your solution must appear to be new. Which is why Carlton says ‘Maximum Distance revelation.’

Here are words you can use:

Breakthrough, Revolutionary, Discovery, Game changing, Disruptive, Announcing, Revealed, Breaking


We all love shortcuts right? If golfers believe they can improve fast with little fuss or effort, your offer is gonna be super tempting.

You can see this as Carlton says ‘2-Step’ and ‘will take you just 3 swings to master yourself ’ and ‘no matter how uncoordinated or out-of-shape you are ’.

That’s all you need need, really. One lesson.’

Readers will drool at the opportunity to get results so easily!

Here are words to use:

Easy, Anybody, Simple, Push-button, Automatic, Step-by-Step, All you have to do is, Effortless, Smooth-Sailing, Trouble-free, Stress-free, No Brainer, Breeze, Walk In The Park, No Hassle


Spending money can be scary. I’m sure you’ve felt it before, “What if it doesn’t work?” You ask yourself. Your golfers feel the same.

Therefore, Carlton erases this fear with the words ‘If you aren’t convinced, these guys will pay you $10!’ This makes buyers feel safe they won’t lose out, increasing belief the product will work for them. Here’s more examples:

You want to feel some pressure on the tee? Try having $1,400 on the line as you step up to drive a hole…playing against scratch golfers…with not a nickel in your pocket! That’s the kind of pressure Lee Trevino was talking about. And, that’s confidence.'

‘All you need is 3 swings..guaranteed! And that’s a real guarantee, too. The company convinced Darrel’ to ‘go public’ with his astonishing secret has a standing offer: If you DON’T master it in just 3 swings..they will pay you $10!’

OHP provides the most mega-generous 3-month 100% money-back guarantee of satisfaction - if, for any reason or for no reason at all, you decide you aren’t satisfied with this product, simply return it within 3 months for a full, complete questions asked. You just can’t find a more generous guarantee in all of golf. In fact, if you are NOT hitting gorgeous drives, longer than you ever have in your life, after taking just 3 practice swings to get this lesson down…then simply return the tape, and we’ll refund your entire purchase price. You read it right, if after 3 swings you aren’t utterly satisfied, just return the tape and OHP will refund your entire purchase price. What’s more..If you DO send your video back within the 90 days…OHP WILL SEND YOU BACK $10 FOR YOUR TROUBLE! That’s an outrageously fair offer, don’t you think? It means you get a completely free lesson…and unless you are absolutely convinced it’s changed your game forever, you aren’t out a penny…and you will actually come out $10 ahead! (You can positively trust OHP, too - they’re a high-profile company, run by Dr Michael O’Leary, with a 10-year track record of treating customers fairly. I’m sure you’ve seen their ads in Golf Illustrated, Golf Tips magazine, and Senior Golfer. These guys are straight shooters, the best in the business.)

Here are words to use:

Accredited, Approved, Backed, Best-Selling, Cancel Anytime, Certified, Dependable, Endorsed, Expert, Guaranteed, Official, Proven, Protected, Recognized, Scientifically Proven, Secure, Track Record


Golfer’s aren't looking for tiny changes, they wanna see a big wow in their game. You wanna promise them something that’s really gonna shake things up. Which is why Carlton promises:

massive payloads of accurate power’ and a ‘breathtaking dead solid straight drive of 250-plus yards!’ is compelling. ***Side note - this ad is decades old, when a 250 yard for the average weekend golfer was massive. In 2024, it wouldn’t appeal as much as we’re hitting the ball longer.***

Which is why he writes ‘Still consistently humiliate PGA Pros in head-to-head matches by hitting every tee shot further and straighter down the fairway ’. That’s a big result. That is going to prick the ears up of any weekend golfer. Its a dramatic, huge transformation for their game.

Here’s another line: ‘beating a PGA star who won 5 tour events not long ago.

Key Takeaway: Incorporate NESB into all parts of your marketing. But especially in your headlines, email subject lines, video titles etc. It will grab massive attention.

Here are words to use:

Big, Fast, Monster, Huge, Once In A Lifetime, Quickly, Overnight, Impressive, Wondrous, Awe-Inspiring, Jaw-Dropping, Grand, Formidable, Colossal, Gigantic, Extensive, Mammoth

Secret #4 - Here’s a Golden Opportunity

You wanna make golfers feel right now is the best time to jump in. Make people feel they’re gonna be one of the first to learn this tip or grab this gadget. You’re making them feel special and ahead of the game.

Carlton employs this principle early in the main text with ‘What’s more, he’s now ready to teach you everything he knows.’

And ‘Up to now, Darrell has jealousy guarded this awesome secret of his…sharing it only with friends, the occasional student he took a liking to, and his wife.

Key Takeaway: How can you position your offer with perfect timing? What’s the reason your prospect should act right now. Delay is death in sales.

Secret #5 - Paint Pictures With Words

Did you know the word "imagination" comes from "image"? That's because using your imagination is all about seeing pictures in your mind. And when you're talking to someone about your golf stuff, you want them to see and feel what you're describing. It's like telling a story so vivid, they can see it happening right in front of them. This is super important because most of the time, people decide to buy something based on their feelings, and then think of reasons why it was a good choice afterward.

Carlton creates crisp images in your head with the following lines:

replace his knees with slabs of plastic’, ‘hobble up to the tee’ and ‘hit gorgeous drives the length of three football fields.’

To do this, use active verbs, concrete nouns and the 5 human senses.

An active verb describe how something is happening, not just what someone is doing. For example, instead of saying ‘He hit the ball down the fairway’, say ‘he smashed the ball down the fairway.’

A concrete noun is a name for something you can touch, see, hear, smell, or taste. It's like anything you can bump into or hold in your hands. Imagine things you play with, eat, or see around you - those are all concrete nouns because you can experience them with your senses.

In golf, a great example of a concrete noun is "golf ball." You can see a golf ball, touch it, and hear it when it gets hit. It's a real object that you can pick up and use to play the game. So, whenever you hear "golf ball," think of it as a concrete noun because it's something physical you can actually interact with on the golf course.

Here’s some examples of sentences with concrete nouns, active verbs and the 5 senses:

‘Savor victory like never before with a chilled beverage at our clubhouse, where triumph tastes infinitely sweet.’

‘Wander the course and brush against the wilderness, inhaling the earthy pine scent that accompanies our scenic golf lessons.

Admire and feel the sophistication of our designer golf bags, crafted for the discerning golfer who values style and functionality.’

Key Takeaway: Create specific pictures in your prospects mind’s they’ll easily be able to see. Avoid talking about generic abstracts which are hard to imagine.

Secret #6 - Blood, Sweat & Tears

You wanna show your future customers why you’re the real deal. There’s no better way than using the secret of ‘Blood, sweat & tears’. Sounds intense but it’s you showing the hard work and all the super helpful stuff you’ve learnt over the years. You’re giving golfers a shortcut, they’re getting something fast which took you years.

Here’s how Carlton does it:

is Darrell some kind of superhuman? Nope. He spent his youth hitting a thousand golf balls a day, studying each and every shot until he understood how to drive for distance.’

‘Back then, he was using an ancient persimmon-head Macgregor driver, and hitting those sloppy rubber-band wound, liquid core balata balls that we’re so uneven and so fragile they would slice open even with a perfectly hit 3-wood.

Additionally, you can create credibility by telling people there’s massive demand for your product or service:

Word of mouth has him booked five years ahead! And people fly in from all over the world to this tiny farming town just to take a single lesson from him.

Secret #7 - This Is Why It’s A Steal

You wanna show people they’re getting a killer deal. People love getting bang for their buck, right? Well, a smart way to do it is to compare the price or your product or service to something they already know. This helps them understand how awesome your deal is.

Therefore, anchoring the price. In the case of this Ad, Carlton compares the price of the product to being less than a round of Golf.

(The price is just $49 plus $5 shipping and handling - less than you’d pay for a round of golf at most local courses.)

Now, if you’re reading it, would you say it’s worth missing one round of Golf in exchange for a massive transformation of your game?

I’d say so.

Key Takeaway: Choose something golfers are familiar with, and compare to your offer, in a way that makes your offer look a no brainer.

Secret #8 - Take My Credit Card NOW!

Above I talked about getting your prospects to buy with the use of timing. Now, you can use urgency or scarcity to give the prospect another gentle nudge over the line. However, it must be genuine urgency. In 2024, nobody believes ‘you’ve only got 100 copies of your eBook’. Prospects are smart, they'll suss out your fake urgency, and it will annoy them.

When this ad was written, the online space was nothing compared to what it is today. The offer had genuine, physical audio tapes added in as a bonus to get people over the line. As Carlton says here:

There’s just one “catch” to this offer - you must call OHP within the next 11 days. They’ve tried to keep this video a secret shared by just a few they will only release the videos during short 11-day periods a few times each year. The golfers who hear about it are jumping on the free offer. It’s a great way to see one of golf’s most amazing secrets, free and without risk. OHP’s number, again, is 1-800-316-5871. P.S One last thing - it’s important. If you call right now, I will send you a free bonus audio tape that - I swear -will FORCE you to shoot a dramatically lower score on your very next round. I only have a very small supply of these special audio tapes, so you need to call immediately.’


These 8 tactics have proven over decades to boost sales, clicks and engagement. Apply them to your whole marketing effort and you’ll see a handsome return.