Golf ads - The sole purpose, 5 truths to scaling profitably and a despicable lie that rips you off

Golf ads - The sole purpose, 5 truths to scaling profitably and a despicable lie that rips you off

Are you running Golf ads on social media, YouTube or Google? Then this article will peel back the curtain on some truths to help you smash your ads out of the park. But first, here’s something you need to know.

As Jim Edwards says in his book Copywriting Secrets, the one and only purpose of an online ad is to stop the right people in their tracks and get them to click. That’s it.

Edwards then goes on to shine the light on 5 truths about ads.

Truth #1 - You pay a lot less money if you target the right people

If your ads target the right kind of people, you pay a lot less money. You spend less because fewer people click on your ads. If more of the right people click, your costs go down dramatically and quickly because you’re not sending the wrong people through to your landing page.

Truth #2 - Curiosity is the key

Making people curious is the best way to get people clicking through to your website. And it’s getting increasingly important in our attention starved world. Think of trying to make your target think:

“How do they do that?”


“What is it”

Truth #3 - 3 Basic Questions

If you don’t know where to start when writing your ad, these 3 questions serve well in grabbing your targets attention:

  • Are you tired of ______?
  • Would you like to ______?
  • Have you ever wanted to ____?

The reason these work well is they target the right person. Instantly eliminating people you don’t want going through to your site.


Truth #4 - 3 Steps

Step 1 - Attention Grabber

With a headline in a text ad, a picture in an image ad, or the first few words out your mouth in a video ad….you need an attention grabber.

Use emotions to grab your target. Talk about:

  • Payoffs or penalties
  • Outcomes or obstacles
  • Things they want or don’t want

And don’t try to play it safe. Don’t be in the middle. Be bold.

Step 2 - Curiosity

Think of trying to make your target think:

“How do they do that?”


“What is it”

Step 3 - Call To Action

You must tell them to do one specific action. With online ads, most likely it will be:

“Click here to _____”

Here’s an example of all 3 steps:

Tired of time wasting golfers?

Five ways golf coaches can stop wasting time on prospects who will never sign up for coaching.

Click here to find out now”

Truth #5 - It’s a numbers game

Testing is the key to making winning ads. Never assume you know what works. You’ll need more than one variation. It can take 10-50 variations to find the profitable one. Most people give up too soon. Nobody runs one ad and it’s an instant hit. But I bet someone’s told you different...

Ad gurus who sell courses to you saying “one ad and you’ll be rich!” is to suck you in emotionally and make it seem so damn freakin easy. (Obvs so they snatch your money!)

Not true. But you can find a winner if you’re willing to test and fail forward fast.

Final Note

By using these 5 truths your ad game will pick up. Remember you’re ‘selling the click’, which means the only purpose of your ad is to get the right people to click through to your site. It’s on your site you do the selling. In the ad, make your target curious!

By the way, in Truth #4, step 1 was an attention grabbing headline. In my free Killer Headline Shortcuts guide, you get ‘Done for you’ headline formulas I’ve put together from studying the world’s greatest copywriters. It will boost conversion rates, engagement rates and email open rates. Grab it by CLICKING HERE.